Lending Protocols

The endpoints listed can be used to retrieve the data analytics and score analysis of various lending markets and the assets listed in these markets.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/data/liquidity/lending/available-markets -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

Note: The sample request below shows liquidity data for the ethereum chain and aave V3 protocol with USDCbase asset.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/data/liquidity/lending/asset-analytics/ethereum/aave/V3/USDC/0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

For a supported list of chains, protocol version, base asset and token addresses whose liqudity data can be requested please refer to sample response for retrieving the available lending markets for all supported protocols API endpoint.

Note: The sample request below shows lending market analytics data for the ethereum chain and aave V3 protocol with USDCbase asset.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/data/liquidity/lending/protocol-analytics/ethereum/aave/V3/USDC -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

For a supported list of chains, protocol version and base asset whose protocol analytics data can be requested please refer to sample response for retrieving the available lending markets for all supported protocols API endpoint.

Note: The sample request below shows available market data for the compoundprotocol.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/data/liquidity/lending/market-overview/compound -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

For a supported list of protocols whose liqudity data can be requested please refer to sample response for retrieving the available lending markets for all supported protocols API endpoint.


Note: The sample request below shows available liquidity health score data for for the ethereum chain and aave V3 protocol with USDCbase asset.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/scores/liquidity/lending/protocol-score/ethereum/aave/v3/usdc -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

For a supported list of chains, protocol version and base asset whose liqudity lending data can be requested please refer to sample response for retrieving the available lending markets for all supported protocols API endpoint.

Note: The sample request below shows liquidity health score data for the aave protocol.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/scores/liquidity/lending/market-overview/aave -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

For a comprehensive list of lending protocols whose data can be requested please refer to sample response for retrieving the available lending markets for all supported protocols API endpoint.

curl https://api.alterscope.org/scores/liquidity/lending/all-markets -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

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