Derivative Protocols
The derivatives endpoint contains analytics data about specific derivatives protocols and the trading pairs listed in those protocols. Currently: "gmx", "dydx" and "synthetix" are supported pairs.
Last updated
The derivatives endpoint contains analytics data about specific derivatives protocols and the trading pairs listed in those protocols. Currently: "gmx", "dydx" and "synthetix" are supported pairs.
Last updated
Note: The sample request below retrieves list of available pairs for a dydx
protocol. Currently gmx
, dydx
and synthetix
are supported pairs.
Note: The sample request below retrieves list of derivatives analytics data for dydx
protocol. Currently gmx
, dydx
and synthetix
are supported pairs.
Below is a sample request with ETH-USD
pair and dydx
protocol. Currently gmx
, dydx
and synthetix
are supported derivative protocols.
To get a list of pairs for a particular protocol please retrieve list of available pairs for that protocol using the API endpoint .
This endpoint returns available pairs for that protocol
Name of the Derivatives protocol, e.g. "synthetix" or "gmx"
This endpoint returns daily derivatives analytics data of the specified protocol from the last 7 days in descending order
Name of the Derivatives protocol, e.g. "synthetix" or "dydx"
This endpoint returns daily derivatives pair analytics data of the specified protocol from the last 7 days in descending order
Name of the Derivatives protocol,"synthetix" or "gmx"
Name of the Trading pair. Trading pair names can be retrieved from /pairs endpoint for that protocol