Welcome to the "Dev Activity" section, where we explore different metrics around a protocol's developer activity. Developers play a pivotal role in shaping the success of a protocol. Their code commits, issue resolutions, and overall engagement are key indicators of a project's health and progress. This insights tab serves as a window into this dynamic world, providing up-to-date data and analysis.
Development Score
The development score attempts to rate the overall development activity of a protocol's GitHub repositories. The main aspects it considers are:
Contribution: How active are developers in contributing new updates, number of issues and pull requests?
Engagement: How active developers are in engaging in active issues and trying to solve them.
Documentation: How well the documentation is maintained.
Developer Balance: How well the contributions are spread across developers or if the protocol is e.g. 90% dependent on a single developer.
Type: Percentage
Range: [0, 100]
Activity Events
Definition: This metric represents the total count of activity events that have taken place in the past 90 days. Activity events encompass a range of actions, including but not limited to:
Commit comments
Creating branches or issues
Deleting branches or issues
Forking a repository
Creating pull requests
For a comprehensive list of these events, please refer to the original documentation at GitHub event types
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Definition: The total count of branches across the GitHub repositories of the protocol.
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Definition: The total number of commits across the GitHub repositories of the protocol
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Definition: The total number of contributors across the GitHub repositories of the protocol
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Definition: The total number of active issues across the GitHub repositories of the protocol. Note that this also includes pull requests.
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Issue Events
Definition: The total number of issue events across the GitHub repositories of the protocol. Issue events encompass a range of actions, including but not limited to:
Commenting on an issue or pull request
Adding a commit to a pull request
Adding an issue or pull request to a milestone
Locking an issue or pull request
Closing an issue or pull request
For a comprehensive list of these events, please refer to the original documentation at issue event types
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Comments on Commits
Definition: The total number of comments on commits across the GitHub repositories of the protocol.
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Contributions Abs. Deviation
Definition: The mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the contribution count of contributors across the GitHub repositories of the protocol, i.e. the average distance of contribution count around the mean.
Type: Float
Range: [0, ∞)
Contributions Mean
Definition: The mean contribution count for all contributors across the GitHub repositories of the protocol.
Type: Float
Range: [0, ∞)
Total Pulls
Definition: The total number of pulls created across all GitHub repositories of the protocol.
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Total Repositories
Definition: The total number of public GitHub repositories the protocol owns.
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)
Contribution Weight
A pie chart displaying a comparison of contribution weight, i.e. share of contributions, between the top contributor of the protocol and the rest of the contributors.
Last Weeks Commit
A line chart displaying the number of total commits of the protocol across the last 7 days.
Comments on Commits
Definition: The total number of comments on commits across the GitHub repositories of the protocol.
Type: Integer
Range: [0, ∞)