Liquidity Tab
This page provides details about liquidity tab mentioned under overview of Alterscope App.
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This page provides details about liquidity tab mentioned under overview of Alterscope App.
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The Liquidity tab is listed under the Overview tab on upper left when a user clicks on specific DeFi project. See the screenshot below for reference.
Here is a breakthrough of what information is listed under the Liquidity Tab. The information is categorised into following sections:
Details about each section is provided below with screenshots.
TVL (Total Value Locked) Chart: TVL is a metric chart used by Alterscope to represent the total value of assets (usually denominated in U.S. dollars) that are locked within a particular blockchain network through various decentralized finance protocols over time intervals, such as 7 days and 1 month.
Click on dropdown button besides the market name(in this case its Ethereum Market).See screenshot below for reference. The dropdown button is highlighted in black box in screenshot below.
Clicking on the dropdown button will display comparison charts for Supply/Borrow history and Wallets Health history. An example of supply/borrow history chart as example is mentioned below.
Click on View button under Markets tab to get more information about ethereum market liquidity data. The View button is highlighted in screenshot below.
Clicking on View button will display various parameters for a specific market. See screenshot below for list of various parameters.
For more information on a specific parameter click on its (i) button. The (i) button is highlighted in box in screenshot below for reference:
The liquidation analytics section displays various comparison charts for different intervals(7 Days and 1 Month) related to liquidity parameters(Total Supply/Total borrow history chart and Total Liquidated/Total Repaid History chart ). See screenshot below for reference.
The market assets section displays various comparison charts over a week interval. See screenshot below for reference.
Total Liquidated Assets History Chart: This chart visualizes the value breakdown(in USD) of assets liquidated for corresponding protocol on a given period.
Total Repaid Assets History Chart: This chart visualizes the value breakdown(in USD) of all assets repaid due to liquidations for corresponding protocol on a given period.
The market assets section also displays list of tokens representing various types of assets, such as cryptocurrencies, digital collectibles, utility tokens for decentralized applications (DApps) in a specific market. See screenshot below for reference.
To view information for a listed token click on View button besides it. The View button is highlighted in box in screenshot below for reference.
Clicking on View Button will provide additional information about a particular token . See screenshot below for reference.
Details about each section is provided below with screenshots.
This section provides information about general token parameters. For more information on a specific parameter click on (i) button. The (i) button is highlighted in box in screenshot below:
This section details the current status and setup of token reserves within the markets. It could include information on the reserves held by various entities, as well as the supply and borrow parameters of a specified token. See screenshots below for reference.
Note: For more information on a specific token supply and borrow parameter click on (i) button. The (i) button is highlighted in box in screenshot below for reference: