ERC20 Price Movements
ERC20 price alerts trigger notifications when there is a price change in ERC-20 tokens.
Last updated
ERC20 price alerts trigger notifications when there is a price change in ERC-20 tokens.
Last updated
Get alerts for realtime price change in ERC-20 Tokens. The price feeds are highly customizable and typically sent out every 12 seconds. However, you can adjust the frequency based on your preferences to receive them less frequently if desired.
Under Signals section click on Add Subscription button under Price Change. The button is highlighted in black box in the screenshot below.
Clicking on Add Subscription button will prompt you to fill in essential fields to create a ERC 20 price alert subscription. Fill in the fields and click on Add button (located below the input fields). Please refer to the screenshot below.
Note: Description regarding the fields is provided below the screenshot.
Name: Name for the Alert.
Username: The username is a unique identifier displayed when alert is received.
Token Address: This is the address of the particular token you want to receive price data for.
Change Direction: This indicates the direction of the price change compared to the previous timeframe.
Change Percent: This represents the percentage change in price compared to the previous timeframe.
Upon clicking on the Add button, a subscription notification popup will be displayed on the lower left. See the snapshot below for reference.
An example of ERC20 price alert received on Discord is provided below for your reference.