Sign Up
This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for the Alterscope app.
Navigate to the Alterscope Sign-Up Page.
Option 1: Sign Up via Wallet
Click on the "Login with Wallet" button.
A wallet popup will show you the wallets you can sign in with.
Select the wallet of choice and the app will redirect you to the extension for a signature request.
Upon successfully signing the signature request in the extension the Alterscope app will automatically redirect you to the dashboard of the app.
Option 2: Register via Email
Click on the Register button at the bottom of the Sign-Up page.
Enter your first name, last name, email, and password to complete the registration process for Alterscope. Reconfirm the password and click on "Register". Important: The passowrd needs to have at least 8 characters, include a lower as well as an upper lettter, include a number and a special character.
You will receive an email. Please follow the steps provided in the email.
Afterwards, you can sign in with your Username and Password to the Alterscope app.
Last updated